Friday, June 26, 2020


WALT increase our knowledge by reading a wide range of texts (Matariki slides)

This week we have been learning about Matariki and what happened's at Matariki time.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Tiny houses

WALT write about tiny houses

I would like to live in a tiny house because I will have my own space and some tiny houses have wheels and you could drive to other places. I also like the hidden closets that most tiny houses have and I also like them because they are small and easy to clean.

Maori made easy

WALT: Practice saying the following Maori words and whakatauki

The beach

WALT: Write 100 words in 10 minutes

Walking towards the beach I take a step on to the hot, gold sand. It felt so warm that it made me feel like I was melting.

The weather and water
The weather is nice and hot, no clouds around the sun but the wind was so gentle. The sun was so bright that it had a beautiful reflection above the shiny blue sea.

 My surroundings
Around me I could hear birds screaming, children playing and waves crashing. I can smell people cooking marinated steaks on the BBQ.

Friday, June 19, 2020

writing 19/6/20

Part-whole thinking

WALT: Understand part-whole thinking.

I have learned how to use my fractions properly.

reading 19/6/20

Monday, June 15, 2020

part whole thinking

WALT: understand part-whole thinking.

I have learned to understand part-whole thinking and fractions.


WALT: write paragraphs